Depending on your circle, or where you are in your life, you may have heard the phrase, “It already exists within you.” Here is the truth as I see it. If we are to strip it down to its bare essentials, the reality is that IT IS all inside of you, residing deep within you; the seed within that is your Divine Connection.
Recently, a client, ‘Anna’, shared some wonderful news with me, about how she had changed an aspect of her life that was no longer serving her. It was a decision she had considered in the past, but for her own reasons had never brought it to fruition… until now.
“It already exists within you”
A few evenings this past summer, we sat in nature together. We walked outside as she quieted her mind, and was guided into a meditation which enabled her to settle her thoughts, to go within, and to listen to the voice so desperately waiting to be heard. Anna spoke. I listened.
Long after our time together, Anna’s voice continued to call to her. I compared it to a whistling kettle of boiling water. The water will just sit in the kettle but when you add some heat, slowly the water begins to move. When it eventually comes to a rolling boil, the whistle blows and becomes so piercing, there is no ignoring it. When we heed the call, we are rewarded with an outcome.
That is what happens when we ‘go within.’ Chances are, the surface is still and quiet, especially if emotions have been suppressed over the course of a lifetime. However, when you take the time to listen to that beautiful, tender, quiet voice, things happen. Some of us are guided to listen to that still voice when first noticed, others have to be shaken in order to hear it. The voice may be asking us to ‘do,’ to ‘acknowledge,’ or to ‘feel.’ It is our purpose to respond to this inner voice.
So you see, Anna always had the answer within her. With a bit of encouragement and readiness, Anna was guided back to her truth. Working each day in a job that no longer served her proved to be too much for her to bear. The confident, action-driven woman she knew herself to be was able to emerge once she answered her true calling.
Anna recently went back to school and upgraded her skills in a field that she always dreamed of pursuing and upon completion, she landed a job using her new skills. Anna’s story is an example of the importance of listening to our inner voice, rather than allowing external noise to influence our decisions and choices.
Hugs and love, Janet