Have you ever found yourself sitting at home, feeling sorry for yourself for days on end? And you look around, and wonder why you are the only one at your pity party??
I mean, you sent out invitations and everything, but no one showed! How rude!!
Well… one of your co-workers did politely respond that they had better things to do, and your oldest, dearest friend, who tells it like it is, told you (lovingly!) to stop whining and deal with life's challenges like everyone else. Great advice, and they're not wrong... but just how the hell do you "get on with life" when you just don't have the emotional energy?? It’s hard enough just getting up in the morning, only to face another day…
“My job is to support you in that sense of hope, helping you find and seize that small glimmer of light.”
I’m here to give you permission to rest a while, to stay at your party a little bit longer. Process your angst. Cry it out. Feel the discomfort. Embrace the despair. Feel numb. It’s OK to let your troubles wash over you – remember, this dark liminal space is temporary. But it is a crucial step in your healing journey. When you choose to go deep within your soul (and you WILL eventually choose, although you may have doubts at first!), your only job is to have HOPE… as much hope as you can manage. My job is to support you in that sense of hope, helping you find and seize that small glimmer of light. And yes, the glimmer will be small at the start – the liminal space can be murky, and the transition may only initially offer despair and confusion – but it is still a glimmer!
You need to be reminded to breathe, to safely express the myriad of emotions, to simply “be” with the innumerable feelings swirling around inside you – I can help you do that. One day, little by little, you will experience a clear sense of hope again. You WILL choose to emerge again. After resting for a while in the liminal, befriending the sacredness of that space, you will transition into a grander version of you! You will emerge to serve! To serve yourself… and all those you hold dear.
You can start by inviting ME to your pity party -- to be an honoured guest on your healing journey, listening to your story with deep reverence and compassion
I'll be checking my inbox...
HUGS & LOVE, Janet